Visite d'Oulan-Bator
Oulan Bator ou Oulaanbaatar est la capitale de la Mongolie. Lorsque la Mongolie proclama son autonomie en 1911 Oulan-bator devint la capitale du régime bouddhiste sous le monarque de Bogdo Khan. Aujourd’hui Oulan Bator est le centre politique, économique, industriel, scientifique et culturel du pays. La ville relie la Russie et la Chine par le chemin de fer du Trans-mongolien continuité via la Mongolie du fameux Transsibérien. Un tour de ville d’Oulan-bator vous permet de visiter le Monastère Gandan, le Musée d’histoire, le Monastère de Choijin Lama qui inclue la collection des masques utilisés pour les cérémonies des danses de Tsam, la Galerie des Arts, le Palais de Bogdo Khan ou encore le Memorial Zaisan qui offre une vue magnifique sur Oulan Bator. La Mongolie de Genghis Khan, pays aux derniers nomades, aux merveilles naturelles, pays de steppes au ciel bleu infini vous offre des panoramas à couper le souffle. Venez découvrir nos excursions à Oulan bator: tour de ville d’Oulan bator, séjours au désert de Gobi, découverte du Lac Khövsgöl, montagnes rocheuses et steppes vous invites à vivre l’authenticité d’un voyage nomade. Visitez aussi nos page visa Mongolie et Mongolie voyage
- Classique tour de ville Oulan-bator 1 jour
- Excursion au Mont Khentii et parc national de Terelj 2jours/1nuits
- Excursion au lodge Tuul Riverside et famille nomade 2jours/1nuits
- Tour de ville Oulan-bator et séjour en Yourte Mongole 3jours/2nuits
- Centres d’intérêts et visites à Oulan-bator
Notez que pendant le festival Naadam (5-15 juillet), les prix sont plus élevés.
Classique tour de ville Oulan-bator 1 jour
Notre guide vous rencontrera à votre hôtel ou à l’arrivée de votre train et vous emmènera pour un tour de ville d’Oulan-bator. Le tour commence par le mémorial de Zaisan pour avoir une vue d’ensemble sur Oulan-Bator puis par la place de Sükhbaatar Square, place central de la ville ou se trouve aussi le mausolée de Gengis khan, vous visiterez ensuite le Monastère de Gandan avec ses grands Bouddhas d’or, symbole de la religion bouddhiste en Mongolie. Vous pourrez assistez aux prières des moines et tourner les roues de prière. Ensuite une très intéressante visite du Musée national d’histoire Mongole vous enseignera l’histoire et la culture des peuples mongoles, joyaux ethnologiques de l’age de pierre à notre aire. Si vous le désirez vous pourrez profiter des nombreuses boutiques du centre ville pour rapporter des souvenirs en laine et véritable cashmere avant de suivre une performance folklorique musicale au théâtre national.
Excursion au Mont Khentii et parc national de Terelj 2jours/1nuits
Rencontre à votre hôtel avec votre guide et votre chauffeur, conduite de la capital jusqu’au domaine montagneux de Baga Khentii situé dans le parc national de Terlej. la route prend environ 2 heures durant lesquelle vous pourrez admirez le panorama naturelle qui entour Oulanbator. A votre arrivée au camp, vous prendrez vos quartiers dans une yourte traditionnelle équipée et on vous servira un repas de midi. Fin de journée libre pour une promenade. Souper et nuitée en yourte Mongole (douche et WC). (L, D)
Après le petit déjeuner vous vous rendrez au site du rocher de la tortue et visiterez un temple bouddhiste suspendu dans un magnifique vallée. Rencontre avec une famille nomade échange culturelle, tire à l’arc, jeux et histoires mongoles. Vous pourrez aussi monter à cheval si vous le désirez. En fin de journée retour vers Ulan-bator. (B, L)
Excursion au lodge Tuul Riverside et famille nomade 2jours/1nuits
Départ de votre hôtel avec votre guide et chauffeur. Vous serrez conduit jusqu’au magnifique lodge Tuul Riverside au Maikhan Tolgoi, dans un cadre naturelle exceptionnel proche de la Rivière Tuul. Le panorama reposant de la campagne Mongole, steppes et montagnes rocheuses, fleures et hordes de chevaux semi-sauvage vous invite à vous relaxer. Votre guide vous ferra rencontrer une famille nomade ou vous pourrez distinguer les yourte Kazak et Mongole, traditions nomades et délicatesses culinaires Mongoles vous serons proposées. Possibilité de faire une balade à cheval ou en charrue tirée par un Yak. Le repas du soir vous sera servit à l’ancienne aux chandelles dans le restaurant du lodge. A la nuit tombée, vous pourrez vous émerveiller devant le plus beau ciel étoilé du monde; vénus, mars, Jupiter ou encore la grande Ours éclairerons votre douce nuit à l’aire frais et pure mongole! (L, D)
Après avoir profitez du calme de la nature du parc, retour vers Oulan-bator à votre hôtel en fin de journée (B)
Tour de ville Oulan-bator et séjour en Yourte Mongole 3jours/2nuits
La formule de “voyage Oulan-bator et famille nomade” inclue:
- Transferts
- Logement dans l’hôtel de votre choix en chambre double incluant le petit déjeuner.
- Tour de ville Oulan-bator: Place centrale Sükhbaatar, Musée d’histoire naturel (dinosaure), Monastère Gandan et Palace de Bogd Khaan.
- Performance musicale et folklorique Mongole au théâtre d’ Oulan Bator
- Le séjour en yourte inclus le trajet jusqu’au parc de yourte et la pension complète sur place. Visitez aussi nos galerie photo d’impressions sur Oulan bator et la Mongolie.
Centres d’intérêts et visites à Oulan-bator
(Compositions under rules of wikitravel Ulaanbataar page).
Gandan Monastery (Gandantegchinlen Khiid)
The main monastery in the city has services around 10AM every morning. It is one of the few monasteries in the country that escaped the communist purges during the 1930s. It contains one of the biggest standing Buddha in Asia (26m high).
Choijin Lama Monastery Ulan-Bator
Chingeltrei district, Left of Central Library, 10.00am-17.00pm. Choijing Lama Temple Museum is a unique showcase of religious art and the history of Buddism in Mongolia. This museum is a gem of the historical and cultural and cultural heritage of the previous century. The monastery was active until 1938. According to the degree of the Peoples Khural, November 1941, the monastery was included in the list of historical and cultural monuments and was taken charge by the Committee of sciences in 1942. It was then turned into a museum. The museum is an ensemble of Buddhist architecture and consists of 5 temples and 5 arched gates. In the main temple there is the sculpture of Choijing Lama and the embalmed mummy of his teacher. It also contains the great coral mask of Begtse, created under the direction of protectors using over 6000 pieces of coral. Yadam temple and Amgalan temple contain rare artifacts made by the famous Mongolian artist and sculptor, Zanabazar. In total the museum has over 5000 items out of which 12 are unique and 200 are particularly valuable.
Natural History Museum Ulan-Bator
In the Behind of the Government house. 10AM-5.30PM, last admission 4.30PM. When the first national museum was established in Mongolia in 1924, the base of natural historical museum was found by consisting the principal sections of the exhibitions with the choicest exhibitions of Mongolian Nature. When the national central museum was located in present location in 1956, it has been enriching its exhibitions and expanded as a big natural department, which has various kinds of geographical, flora, fauna and paleontological exhibits. The government Resolution, which to classify the museums in different fields like as the developed countries, was passed and the national central museum was abolished in 1991. Since 1992, a new museum was established in the place of national central museum with the purpose of being the leader natural central museum for the further development, getting foreigners enjoyed in international level, showing the geological history such as locations of planets and earth establishment and formations and show the biology characteristics of earth central zone and named as Museum of Natural History. Natural history involves historical process of 4.7 milliard years of that is very long term from the origin of the world until the origin of plant, animal and human. Thus our museum shows the briefness of these events by exhibitions and contributes knowledge to peoples mind. The museum consists of: – Mongolian geography, ancient volcanoes, stones from the volcanoes – Earth origin, planet studying meteorites – Geological history, useful resources, minerals – Ancient and contemporary botany – Land fauna /mammals, birds, fishes, insects, reptiles, amphibious/ – Very ancient plant and animals /paleontology/ – Human origin Museum colleagues always enrich their treasures, exhibitions, renovate the exhibition halls and improve the museum settlement so that the museum became a big museum, which has the capable to attract foreign and domestic visitors. The museum is one of the big museum of Mongolia that has the 40 halls with 2700 square meters, 12000 exhibits and more than over 50 thousand visitors visit to the museum each year and exhibition marshrut lasts about 1.5-2.0 hours. The museum is studying and advertising museum, which introduces natural history, its appearance movements and developments to the audiences by theoretical and objects researching.
National History Museum, Ulan-Bator
In the right of the Government house. 10AM-5:30PM, last admission 4:30PM. The Mongolian National Museum was first established in 1924 with the aim of introducing the history, culture, and natural environment of Mongolia to its visitors. From 1940 to 1941, the museum was known as the Museum of Local Research and then from 1956 to 1991 as the State Central Museum. The State Central Museum moved into its own building in 1956, with galleries relating to history, the natural environment, paleontology, and Mongolian art. In 1964, new exhibits of ethnography enriched the History Gallery. In May 1991, the State Committee of Culture and Art decided to improve the museums throughout the country. It established the National Museum of Mongolia History by merging the historical collections from the State Central Museum with the Museum of the Revolution which had been founded in 1971. The National Museum of Mongolian History is now located in the facility built for the Museum of the Revolution. The Memorial Museum of the Victims of Political Repression (also in Ulaanbaatar) is a branch museum of the National Museum of Mongolian History. The National Museum of Mongolian History is a cultural, scientific, and educational organization that presents Mongolian history and culture from the dawn of humanity to the present day.
Sükhbaatar Square, (Sukhbaatar Square).
The big open space in the center of the city with an equestrian statue of the 1921 hero Sükhbaatar, and seated statue of Chinggis Khan and their 9 heroes (Urlugs).
Bogd Kahn Museum
Khan-Uul district, Chinggis avenue Bogdo khan palace museum Ulaanbaatar. This palace known as The green palace was built between 1893-1903 during 10 years by Mongolian masters and dedicated to the YIII Bogdo gegeen, the head of lamaist religion & last khan of Mongolia.In 1911 there was formed The Bogdo khan state and the YIII Bogdo gegeen assumed political authority over Mongolia as the Bogdo khan or “Holy King” and continued to govern as a constitutional monarch from the time of the Mongolian People’s Revolution in 1921 until his dearth of illness in 1924. After Bogdo khan dearth in 1924 it was turned into museum Bogdo khan palace was founded as the first National historical museum of Mongolia. In 1954 was founded The state central museum and the Bogdo khan palace museum became the branch museum. Since 2000 the museum is activiting as Bogdo khan palace museum. Now the Bogd khan palace museum consists of seven Summer Prayer temples and the winter palace. The collections of the museum include unique and valuable objects related to Mongolia’s political, religious, and artistic history from the 17 to early 20-th centuries: bronze castings, silk paintings, mineral paintings, and paper icons made by well-known artists and artisans of the period, among others the first Bogdo Javzundamba Zanabazar and his school; as well as objects owned and used by the YIII Bogdo Javzundamba and his wife queen Dondogdulam, including royal clothing and equipment, gifts from domestic and foreign guests or representatives, and items purchased by the king for his own diversion. The collection of the museum is consists of a great number of original objects and works of art from the Bogdo khan palace and is divided into 12 parts: sculpture, scrolls paintings/thangka/, applique, wood carving, religious objects, clothes, furniture, decorative arts, collection of stuffed animal, special collection, support collection and architecture.. Also all exhibits is divided into: high level category, valuable category and original category. Nowadays we have 68 exhibits of high level category and 23 exhibits of valuable category. The number of these categories will be increasing. Exhibits of high level category includes gilded bronze sculptures made by the famous master Zanabazar and school of Zanabazar, thangka paintings from the XIX-XX centuries, the painting shown the capital city of Mongolia 1912 made by Jugder, original paintings made by founder of Mongolian modern painting B.Sharav and expensive clothes of khan and queen.
Zaisan Memorial
A huge communist-era monument located on a hill near the city. It represents the Russian and Mongolian heroes who fought together during WWI and WWII. Nowadays it is a popular viewpoint where you can see over the whole city. There’s also a huge buddhist statue at the bottom.
International intellectual museum, Ulan-Bator
Bayanzurkh district,in front of East Center, Mongolia.. From Monday-Saturday 10.00 am-18.00pm. The museum’s collection includes many Mongolian puzzle toys and world famous, rare and precious exhibits. The museum is a manufacturer of Mongolian puzzle toys, logic games, hand crafted products and souvenirs and it exports most of its products abroad. The museum has exhibited over 80 international exhibitions and fairs in 50 countries.
Akshobhya by Zanabazar Ulan-Bator
The Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts, Ulaanbaatar, Chingeltrei district, Barilgachdin Square (Two blocks west of the Government House). 10-6. The collection includes items from the Stone Age to 20th C. Particularly interesting is the collection of Buddhist art beginning in the 17th Century.