We have collected a few good links to other relevant pages which you may find interesting. Please let us know if you know of other notable websites.
General Travel Info
- Russia – Lonely Planet (we are listed in the 2012 Lonely Planet Russia edition here)
- Frommers – Russia and St.Petersburg (we are listed in the 2012 edition)
- New Russia – Geographia
- Info from the US Consulate
- Visa and customs information page
Moscow and Russia Guides
- Detailed guide from WaytoRussia
- Traveler’s Yellow Pages Moscow
- The All-Moscow Guide
- To Russia with Ease
Newspapers, Literature, Music
Other Interesting Pages
- Live-Web-camera at Moscow state University MGU
- List of Russian museums
- SovInform Bureau
- National News Service
- History of the Russian language
- Association of Russian teachers in the US