You are welcome in Siberia! Novosibirsk is Russia’s third-largest city, after Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, and the largest city of Siberia. The city was founded in 1893, owing to the construction of the Great Trans-Siberian Railroad and in the beginning was named Novonikolaevsk, having only been renamed Novosibirsk in 1926. Novosibirsk is a cultural and scientific city, you have to stop nearby on your individual trans-siberian experience!
Here a list of the excursions or tour in Novosibirsk we propose:
Walking Sightseeing tour of Novosibirsk
Tour Duration: 3 hours
Season: all the year round
Vehicles: by foot
Walking city tour of Novosibirsk, covering all the attractions of the central part of the city: Ascension Cathedral, Krasny Prospect street, Lenin Square – city center with the biggest world’s Opera House, St.Nicolas Chapel – the geographic center of Russia. Our local guides in Novosibirsk love the city and will make you discover the culture and atmosphere of the Siberian town! Join our city tour of Novosibirsk.
Sightseeing city tour of Novosibirsk by car
Tour Duration: 4 hours
Season: all the year round
Vehicles: by car
City tour of Novosibirsk, covering all the main attractions of the city: Novosibirsk Railway Station – the biggest station of the Trans-Siberian Railroad, Ascension cathedral, Krasny Prospect street, Lenin Square – city center with the biggest world’s Opera House, old wooden houses on Gorkogo Str. – the oldest part of the city, St.Nicolas Chapel – the geographic center of Russia, river Ob’ embankment and colourful Siberian farm-market. Visit of the Local Lore (History Museum), featuring the fascinating and mystical history of Siberia OR boat-trip on OB river. Our local guides in Novosibirsk love the city and will make you discover the culture and atmosphere of the Siberian town! Join our city tour of Novosibirsk.
Sightseeing tour of Akademgorodok Scientific city
Tour Duration: 4 hours
Season: all the year round
Vehicles: by car
This very specific tour outside of Novosibirsk brings you to the scientific city of Akademgorodok (30km outside the city). Akademgorodok is the only scientific city in the world, where all the branches of sciences are presented. Visit of the famous Geology Museum at Geology Research Institute and the Open-Air Train Museum (a collection of the old Trans-Siberian trains), and the Ob reservoir – an artificial sea.
Full day sightseeing tour of Novosibirsk and Akademgorodok
Tour Duration: 8 hours
Season: all the year round
Vehicles: by car
Tour to the scientific city Akademgorodok (30km outside the city) – the only scientific city in the world, where all the branches of sciences are presented. Visit of the famous Geology Museum at Geology Research Institute, Open-Air Train Museum (a collection of the old Trans-Siberian trains), and the Ob reservoir – an artificial sea. Return to Novosibirsk, Ob river cruise, then sightseeing of all the main attractions of the city: Novosibirsk Railway Station – the biggest station of the Trans-Siberian Railroad, Ascension Cathedral, Krasny Prospect street, Lenin Square – city centre with the biggest world’s Opera House, old wooden houses on Gorkogo Str. – the oldest part of the city, St.Nicolas Chapel – the geographic center of Russia and colourful Siberian farm-market.
Visit of Siberian dacha with banya & traditional Siberian BBQ
Tour Duration: 4 hours
Season: all the year round
Vehicles: by car
The guests come in touch with the greatest Russian hobby – dacha (kind of a special country house) and will be taken to one of the dacha-settlements outside the city. The hosts will show their house, garden, and prepare the banya (bath-house), after being “steamed” in which guests will enjoy a traditional dacha-BBQ!
Places to visit in Novosibirsk
The Novosibirsk Opera House
The Novosibirsk Opera House is an architectural marvel in itself. It is the largest in Russia (more than the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow) and among the largest in the world! Its first theatrical season was opened on May 12th, 1945 – during the days when all the country celebrated victory in the Second World War.
During the war, the exhibits from world-famous museums of Moscow (Tretyakovskaya Gallery), Leningrad (Hermitage), Novgorod, Sevastopol and other Soviet cities were kept and saved here.
At present, the Theater houses two permanent ballet and opera companies, well-known throughout the world.
Novosibirsk-Glavny Railway station
Novosibirsk-Glavny (The biggest trans-siberian Railway station.) Before World War II, this was the largest railway station building in the USSR. Today, it still is the largest in Siberia and one of the largest in Russia. Having been planned in the constructionism style, it was altered to neoclassical style during its construction. That unusual monumental building is an example of the architecture of the 1930s, one of the symbols of Novosibirsk and main point of the Trans-Siberian Railway!
The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was built in 1897 (one of the first stone-buildings of the city), but it was closed in 1937. In 1988 it was decided to give the Cathedral back to the russian orthodox church, and by 1992 it was fully reconstructed.
The Chapel of St. Nikolai
In 1915, in honor of the 300-year anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty, The Chapel of St. Nicholas was built and served as a symbolic center of the Russian Empire. During the years of communism, the chapel was destroyed and later became the site for a Stalin monument, which was destroyed after the exposure of the Stalin personality cult. The Chapel was restored for the celebration of the city’s 100-year anniversary and, as before, it bears the name of St. Nicholas.
The Voznesensky Cathedral
The Voznesensky Cathedral is the main Novosibirsk Orthodox Cathedral, and was built in 1914. Since then it has been reconstructed several times. It has retained its present look since the Orthodox Jubilee – Russian Orthodox Church Millennium.
Regional Museum of Local Lore, History and Economy
The Regional Museum of Local Lore, History and Economy (Krasny Prospect, 23) presents the history and ethnography of Siberia. Some of the expositions are: A Thousand Year Panorama of Siberia, The Native People of Siberia, The Region at the End of the XIXth century/Mode of Life, The History of Novonikolaevsk´s Beginning, Fashion in the XIXth century, Development of Siberia in XVIth-XIXth c. and during the Soviet Period. The Siberian Flora and Fauna expositions include: Nature in general, Birds, Insects, Fish/Aquarium and Geology + Magic Stone World – Siberian and Far East stones, from the collection of The Mining Institute.
Novosibirsk Regional Picture Gallery
Novosibirsk Regional Picture Gallery (Krasny Prospect, 5) has a good collection of Russian icons, about 60 paintings of Rerich, the pictures of other famous painters, and many temporary exhibitions.
Novosibirsk Zoological Garden
Zoological Garden (ul. Timiryazeva, 71/1) is situated in a beautiful forested park. The Novosibirsk Zoo keeps 4000 animals of 399 species. More than 120 species are entered into the Red Book. A zoological team participates in 32 international programs on preservation and reproduction of rare and endangered species. The Novosibirsk Zoo has contact with more than 100 Zoos in the world and is a member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums. It is the only Zoo entered into the International Directors Union. Among all the world’s Zoos, only the Novosibirsk Zoo possesses the unique Argali and Putoransky ram.
There used to be towns built near fortresses, near monasteries, near factories, ports, and even town-museums, but Akademgorodok (Academic Town) is the first town of science! Within its territory there are 35 research institutes, Novosibirsk State University (one of the top three Russian Universities), apartment houses and cottages, Dom Uchenykh (Scientists’ House) – a social center of Akademgorodok, which hosts a library (100 000 volumes), a picture gallery, a lecture hall and a fine concert hall. It is one of the few towns in the world built right in the middle of a forest. This Siberian town, located on the shore of the man-made lake Ob (a reservoir), has preserved its majestic birch and pine forest, abounding in birds and squirrels.
Don’t forget to visit the marvelous Novosibirsk Botanical Garden in Akademgorodok! Having been founded in 1946, it now is the leading botanical institution in Siberia and the Far East.
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Moscow Life.